Black People plus Anime Equals
One of the most unbelievably awesome things. Im honstly sick of seeing a oddball pop-shots at our race within animations (commercial and non). Someone of African american decent is always there with enormous lips and making the rest of the cast look better by comparison. It is always nice to someone put us in a good role. I kno somebody will probably give some A-hole remark about race, but dont let them phase u in the least. And to also be given the fact that this will contain Christian stuff, is AMAZING too, but the idea of having both blacks and the cross in a flash series, may be a bit risky for the sake of the flash, however, by golly go for it man. 10/10 5/5 I cant wait to see the first installment, and if I could submit any voice acting, or music or anything to help u out, would be a pleasure. Good Luck