I cant say i appreciated the black guy in there. Its a shame much of the world view as being ignorant and violent thugs. Ya, that is the case in areas, but if u really get to know the stereotypical black male, u will discover it isnt that simple. People know right from wrong, if you read the bible, u'll discover any sexual act other than missionary position (penis ->vagina) is not acceptable, and concidered sodomy, but who really cares right? alcohol isnt accepted either. its a common misconception actually. What is referred to as "wine" in the bible, is actually the equivalent of grape juice. Jesus killing himself was just dumb and ya, offensive. Him being a pansy also is pretty rude.
On another note, why does it seem that whenever Jesus or Christian Lord (God) is involved in a comedy, they always enter with no idea whats going. As though Jesus left and never looked back and God has been asleep this whole time? I think Many people believe they arent watching. And that they will just "return" to attain a bunch of glory and worship. Yes, i can understand the humorous value their characters potentially have, but it is just pretty negative most cases.
The religious man is usually a target for scrutiny and being patronized. Nobody really wants to be the guy that tries hard to follow his religion. I don't think religious tendencies ever hurt any body (aside from jews... poor basterds).
Guess this is a portrait of a world view.